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Sanctification – work it out with Muslims watching!

January 5, 2011

Dear mortals and sinners! Grace, mercy and peace be yours from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Fellow “unworthies,“ you have to go and preach the gospel and work out your sanctification among Muslims. They will love your humility; their hearts will long to be free like you when you say, “Please forgive me, I have wronged you.” In fact you have to come from a different planet to say that in America, but some of us are called to work out our sanctification with Muslims watching on.


Working out your salvation (Philippians 2:12), in the presence of Muslims and non-believers, is a challenge that glorifies God's name and directs others to receive His gift for themselves.

Jesus gave The Great Commission to, “teach them to observe all that I have commanded;” Jesus gave this to men who themselves had failed to observe all that Jesus had commanded.

Jesus gave the Great Commission to men who had already failed in their “imitation of Christ.” The two brothers James and John made it their ambition to rule a kingdom. But Jesus gave them the Great Commission. The eleven disciples saw, touched, heard the risen Christ, but “some of them doubted.” But Jesus gave them the Great Commission

They failed to keep the Ten Commandments; they failed to live by the Sermon on the Mount. But Jesus knew this when he commissioned them teach the nations to observe all the Jesus Christ commanded.

The accuser says that we are disqualified because of our sin. But God, while we were yet sinners, died for the ungodly. It makes Satan furious that we sinners have faith in God, that we magnify God’s grace by counting on God to reckon us as righteous by the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ, God’s own Son.

Christ’s ministry of righteousness pardons yours sins, and qualifies you to show the world what sinners He forgives. Your humility will be a great incentive for Muslims to desire God. Now is the time to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ; work out your salvation with fear and trembling among a foreign people. And God bless you, every one.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Jamie permalink
    January 5, 2011 10:23 pm

    Amen. Preaching the Gospel of forgiveness of sins to a Muslim very often means asking for forgiveness of sins.

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